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ABC Baltimore Excellence In Construction 2019

ABC Baltimore Excellence In Construction 2019

Southway went home very proud of their work so far this year after receiving an Award of Excellence and an Award of Merit at Associated Builders and Contractors Baltimore chapter awards ceremony.

ABC Baltimore awarded Southway Builders with an Award of Excellence for Ellerslie Apartments. A huge thank you to our hardworking staff for making this happen; Telesis Corporation, Moseley Architects (previously Marks Thomas Architects), Jeff Riley (Project Manager) and Brian Hartzell (Superintendent).

ABC Baltimore awarded Southway Builders with an Award of Merit for Restoration Gardens 2. A huge thank you to our outstanding team; French Companies, Empire Homes, AIRS, Quinn Evans (previously Cho Benn Holback), Dave Harrison (Project Manager) and Wayne Noseworthy (Superintendent).

And a very special thank you to ABC Baltimore for honoring Southway and putting on a beautiful ceremony. Congratulations to all of the other winners from last week, let’s continue to build beautifully together.